Eclipse DemoCamp Budapest

After a several years break, IncQuery Labs decided to re-launch Eclipse DemoCamp events in Budapest.
July 11, 2016

After a several years break, IncQuery Labs decided to revive and engage the Hungarian Eclipse community and to re-launch Eclipse DemoCamp events in Budapest. The first DemoCamp was dedicated to the release of Neon and to showcase some cool technologies being built and/or used by the Hungarian Eclipse community.

In his opening speech, Ákos Horváth gave an overview about our plans regarding the Hungarian Eclipse community and about the new features of Neon (slides). Then, Ábel Hegedüs presented the history and the most recent release of the VIATRA open source project.

After the break, Gergely Pintér and Máté Kovács from Thyssenkrupp Presta Hungary gave a talk on the key challenges and achievements of using Eclipse technologies in the automotive industry. The last presentation by Zsolt Parragi focused on a source code analysis tool, called Clang Static Analyzer that finds bugs in C, C++, and Objective-C programs.

We are planning to organize (virtual) meetup events on Eclipse projects in the future, so if you would like to give a demo, please contact us (

For more photos visit our facebook site.

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